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National Women's Day

This isn't my usual travel or photography post but I wanted to take a moment to appreciate and celebrate all the amazing women in my life on National Women's Day.

national women's day

I met one of my friends for coffee this morning and it made me think about how many amazing women I have met over the years and the incredible things they have accomplished. We are both turning 40 this year and we had similar feelings how this birthday was different for some reason.

We talked about how amazing and challenging owning your own business can be and the paths we took to where we are today. Working for someone else versus working for yourself.

When I started my own business it was not an easy task but when you have the support of others behind you, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I have had the privilege of getting to know other women business owners who are doing amazing things and together we can be unstoppable!

When I think back to the jobs I've had the past 20+ years I always had a co-worker that I could talk to, confide in, have lunch with, trust, and know that they had my back. Someone to laugh uncontrollably with, talk about our current stage of life and to sometimes just vent to. Women supporting women.

These women helped shape who I am today and I am incredibly grateful to them.

These women are strong and successful.

These women fight for what they want.

These women are kind, honest and fearless.

These women don't give up.

These women are non-judgmental and supportive.

These women are capable of anything they set their mind to.

Thank you to the extraordinary women from the past, present and future that encourage and support other women to be successful. I appreciate you, I thank you and I wish you every bit of joy and happiness on this day to celebrate women! You have accomplished so much and I know you are capable of incredible things!

I am proud of my accomplishments and the accomplishments of all my fellow women! We are capable of anything and everything!


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